Handbooks and Guides

Sponsored Handbooks and Guides

With the UK Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT), we have researched, written and published a series of treasurers’ guides (ca. 240 page handbooks) on core treasury‐specific topics, such as international cash management, trade finance and investing short‐term cash. Each guide is written as a practical guide to help the practitioner develop best practice within their organisation. All ACT’s corporate members are sent a complimentary copy. This complimentary distribution can be extended to members of a number of European treasury associations via the ACT’s membership of the EACT. We also offer electronic copies to the ACT’s global e‐mail contact list. Sponsoring a book co‐published by WWCP and the ACT gives the sponsor high‐level visibility to corporate treasury practitioners in the UK and Europe, which is reinforced over the lifespan of the guide (typically two to three years). In addition, the sponsor receives 2,500 copies of each guide for their own internal marketing purposes.

We offer a similar arrangement with the US Association for Financial Professionals (AFP). Each AFP guide is also designed to support the treasury practitioner’s decision‐making process. All 10,000 AFP corporate members receive a complimentary copy under cover of a joint letter from the sponsor and AFP. This gives the sponsor high‐level visibility to corporate treasury practitioners in North America.

Each sponsor also receives 2,500 copies of each guide for their own internal marketing purposes. We have also published a Guide to Treasury Technology, jointly with both the ACT and the AFP, which provided the sponsor with visibility in both the European and North American markets.

We also research and write shorter (ca. 8,000 word) thought leadership papers. Recent publications include a number of AFP Corporate Treasurer’s Council Guides (now Executive Guides, which are distributed electronically to AFP’s membership in senior corporate treasury roles), a six‐part Global Liquidity Guide series for AFP’s wider membership and a number of guides on different subjects, sponsored by financial institutions and published on GTNews. 

Our aim in all cases is to produce authoritative reference books and/or guides with the professional bodies’ endorsement, which will be used by treasury, finance and other company personnel. By careful branding we raise target market awareness of the sponsor’s capabilities in these areas of treasury/finance.